It might seem like in the age of digital recording, analogue photography is dead. Nothing is further from the truth: it’s back in favor, but in a new form – as exclusive artistic photography. The gelatin silver process creates creates a one of a kind print, a truly unique, handcrafted peace of art. No photographer is able to create two identical copies. Black and white photography is an art form, and each print is a work of art. For this reason among many others, we decided to offer specialized workshops, that will allow you to delve into the secrets of a traditional darkroom, and explore the negative and positive processing of black and white printing. Each participant of our workshops will learn how to independently handle an analog camera, develop a negative and make prints. This will be confirmed by a diploma awarded after completion of the workshop. We encourage you to visit Sokolowsko, we provide a fun learning environment and will introduce you to the magic of traditional photography and open air workshops. We hope that our offer will interest everyone: professionals, art school students, and avid amateurs. We are at your disposal: please email us all your questions, ideas and comments.
Our offer:
darkroom for beginners
We provide all necessary equipment and materials. Each participant will be provided an individual workstation, equipped with a photographic enlarger, negative and positive materials, chemical reagents, as well as professional support from the teachers.
The project aims to familiarize participants with analog cameras and darkroom equipment, preparing developing chemicals, exposure and processing of black and white film, the execution of contact printing and photographic enlargements.
The workshops are intended for anyone interested in working in the darkroom.
During the workshops you will learn how to develop black and while film, operate enlargers and learn the in-and-outs of darkroom equipment, how to prepare chemical solutions for image processing and how to create photographic prints.
Place: Sokolowsko Eko-Tower, In Situ Contemporary Art Foundation.
Organizational matters:
Weekend workshops (Saturday – Sunday after email or telephone confirmation)
– 2 days, 8 hours each
– number of participants: max 5 people
– cost: 250 zł (not including accommodations and meals)
The price includes participation in classes, 1 movie, chemicals, photographic paper and access to darkroom equipment.
The Reservation is confirmed after an obligatory prepayment of 100 zł to the foundation bank account:
Bank Polska Kasa Opieki SA I oddział w Warszawie
04 1240 1037 1111 0010 1603 1185
transfer title: Darkroom Photography (date of the workshop).
The deposit should be payed no later then 7 days before the workshop takes place. The deposit is forfeited if a participant does not take part in the workshop.
Workshop program:
Day one – equipment checks, setting up the equipment and film, open air workday in Sokołowsko, work in the darkroom and getting to know the darkroom equipment, developing the film.
Day Two – work in the darkroom, contact printing, photograph selection for enlargement, performing photographic enlargements (we provide paper for ten 13x18cm photographs and one 18×24 cm photograph).
1. It’s possible to reserve workshops for groups under 5 people, but the cost of the two day workshop remains unchanged (ie. 1250 zł).
2. Accommodations can be arranged by phone of email.
The classes are taught by Grzegorz Serwatka, who has been involved in analog photography for many years, he studied at the Higher School of Photography in Jelenia Góra under the tutolage Ewa Andrzejewska and Wojciech Zawadzki.
photographs of the darkroom
photographs of participants
Schedule – please remember that up to five people can sign up for the same date.
Please book by phone or email.
Booking contact:
Alina i Grzegorz Serwatka
tel. 519 444 555
Fan-page: Ciemnia fotograficzna Sokołowsko