If you have visited Sokołowsko recently – you already know that the Foundation’s investments bring impressive results. If not – we invite you to come and see for yourself! Come and see our festivals, exhibitions, explore to spaces we have created, enjoy the Sokołowsko experience!
You can build this place with us.
What are you supporting?
All the money will go towards the renovation of the former Dr. Brehmer Sanatorium building complex, as well as the historic “Health” cinema theater.
This place reciprocates our efforts with a unique aura, architectural beauty and an atmosphere which we would seek in vain elsewhere. We have found this place rich with potential and transformed it into a space for art and a place to meet fascinating people. The historic sanatorium complex, the park surrounding it, and nearby the decaying “Zdrowie” cinema theater. We managed to stimulate the vibrant cultural life of the place, which during festival turns into a truly lively artistic town. Everyday, artists in residence and members of the local community are garnering inspiration from creative place. It is a living and continuously animated space.
If you want to support us – you can also make a direct transfer to the foundation’s account:
04 1240 1037 1111 0010 1603 1185
Thank you! We appreciate your support!